Sunday, July 4, 2010


6-3 Transportation


1. To provide for the special transportation needs of applicants.


2. Applicants generally would not have funds available to meet necessary transportation needs.

3. Family and community resources are expected to meet some of these transportation needs.

4. Applicants are expected, where possible, to make their own transportation arrangements.

5. Applicants are expected, where possible, to work out the most reasonable/economical mode of transportation.


6. Subsections 19(3)(a)-(g) of the Regulations deal with the granting of assistance to meet the expenses of transportation.

7. Subsection 19(3) provides for:

(a) Transportation and relocation expenses to enable the applicant to return, on one occasion only, to his/her usual province of residence;

(b) Transportation and relocation expenses to enable an applicant to assume out-of-province employment;

(c) Transportation expenses to enable an applicant to relocate to a nursing home or Community Care Facility;

(d) Transportation expenses to enable the applicant to obtain medical or hospital services that cannot be provided in the usual place of residence (see Instruction 6-3-1 for out-of-province requests);

(e) Transportation expenses for a person required to escort someone who is disabled or dependant to medical services either within or outside the province. Persons eligible for the Disability Support Program are not eligible for supports under this policy;

(f) Subsection 19(5) of the Regulations requires that the Department "shall determine the most efficient, practical and cost effective mode of transportation for which financial assistance may be granted under subsection (3)". Transportation expenses for the applicant using his/her own vehicle to travel to employment/training at a rate of 20¢/km, to a maximum of $33 per week or actual costs. The lesser of the two rates shall be the allowable expense. Transportation expenses for other modes of transportation and those in excess of $33 per week must be approved by the Departmental designated authority.

(g) Transportation expenses for the applicant to obtain medical services at a rate of 20¢/km, to a maximum of $31 per month or actual costs. The lesser of the two rates shall be the allowable expense. This maximum may be exceeded in exceptional circumstances, and where need is clearly established, by the Departmental designated authority. A medical service is defined as an ongoing treatment plan for a specified period of time as documented by a health professional.

8. The rates established in 7(f) and (g) also apply to noncontinuous special need transportation.

9. Child Care Transportation, in addition to the above, may be provided to enable children of applicants to attend child care facilities or a sitter. Transportation expenses may be provided for the applicant to obtain child care transportation at a rate of 20¢/km, or actual costs, to a maximum of $33 per week. The lesser of the two rates shall be the allowable expense.

10. Where more than one type of transportation is requested, staff will determine the most economic expense to ensure there is no duplication.


11. The reason(s) for a transportation expense and the actual calculation of cost figures are to be clearly documented.

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