Sunday, July 4, 2010

Disability Allowance

6-6-1 Disability Allowance


1. To support families in their care of adult family members with a disability. (Persons eligible for the Disability Support Program are not eligible for an allowance under this policy as their supports are received under that program.)


2. Families should be encouraged and supported in their efforts to contribute to the care of adults with disabilities.

3. Adults with a disability should be supported to live in as normative an environment as possible.

4. Case planning should determine the least amount of support required to maintain activities of daily living.


5. A disability allowance may be provided to assist in the care of an adult applicant with a disability where the applicant:

a) is being cared for by a family member; and

b) lives in the home of the family member providing the care; and

c) demonstrates a need for a level of personal and/or supervisory care as determined by an assessment profile.

6. The assessment profile should reflect as much as possible the clients actual abilities for self care and not necessarily the current level of care being provided.

7. For purposes of this policy, family is defined as parents, spouse, grandparents, brothers, sisters or children over the age of majority.


8. Complete with the client and care provider an assessment profile. This assessment will provide a determination of the disability allowance, respite care rate and rates for sitting services. Respite care and sitting service rates will apply in Policy 6-6-2 Respite Care Services.

9. Determine the range within which the total score falls using the following scoring ranges:


0 - 50

51 - 60

61 - 70

71 - 80

81 - 90







Respite Rate






Sitting Rate






10. Add to the allowance any additional dollars indicated by the Behavioural Factors Scale. The total amount cannot exceed $150.

11. To determine the Respite Care Rate and Sitting Service Rate, use the rates beside the total allowable arrived at after adding in any allowance for behavioural factors.

12. When completing the assessment profile with the family, workers are expected to explain the respite care policy and help the family identify respite/sitting needs.

13. Any special care allowance on the file should be reviewed as to its purpose when determining the need for a disability allowance. Where the special care allowance was for personal and supervisory care, it should be deleted. If there are incidental costs of a material nature that can be specifically documented a special care allowance may still apply.

14. Reviews of the Disability Allowance are to be completed every three years unless the client/caregiver requests a review more frequently.

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