Sunday, July 4, 2010

Transportation - Out-of-Province Medical Services

6-3-1 Transportation - Out-of-Province Medical Services


1. To provide for non-medical expenses related to essential out-of-province medical care.


2. Essential medical treatment may not be available within the province.

3. Applicants are expected to receive required medical services in the nearest capable facility.

4. All other sources of funding must be first explored by the applicant.

5. Family and friends should be reasonably expected to help out with financing, transportation, escorts, babysitting, etc.

6. Medical and hospital costs are not funded through Social Assistance.


7. Assistance may be granted for non-medical costs such as transportation, accommodation and meals, associated with essential medical or hospital care, providing:-

(a) The applicant is referred out of province by his/her physician; and

(b) The medical and/or hospital service is not available in this province; and

(c) The Medical Services Division, Department of Health, have agreed to meet medical costs associated with the treatment.

8. Confirmation of approval by Medical Services shall be obtained prior to travelling, whenever possible. Normally, the physician will have the confirmation before arranging the out-of-province service or treatment.

9. Costs for an attendant/escort may be included when:

(a) clearly specified by the doctor as necessary for the safety and well-being of the patient;

(b) the patient has a disability and is unable to travel alone. Escorts/attendants for persons eligible for the Disability Support Program are not eligible for funding under this policy;

(c) the patient is a dependant child;

(d) An unusual circumstance is approved by the Department.

Attendants, as with applicants, should be expected to use the most economical travel accommodation and meals available when required to stay over with the patient.


10. If the out-of-province service or treatment is related to vocational rehabilitation, the application for funding should be processed through the Disability Support Program for eligible persons.

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