Sunday, July 4, 2010

Expenses Incidental to Special Care

6-4 Expenses Incidental to Special Care


1. To meet the recurring Special Need costs related to a disability. Persons eligible for the Disability Support Program are not eligible for funding under this policy.


2. Persons with disabilities frequently have additional regular expenses related directly to their disability.

3. Such costs may not be consistent each month and therefore should be averaged.

4. It may be an unnecessary burden to expect the applicant and worker to deal with such minor expenses on a monthly or periodic basis.

5. Special care expenses may also include compensation to the care-taker for extra services or other time-consuming commitments provided to the person with a disability for which it would be difficult to establish specific fees, e.g. constant supervision, managing difficult behaviour, life skills development, etc.

6. A disability does not, in itself, justify a special care allowance, particularly if the room and board rate is intended to include some special care provision.


7. Up to $40 per month may be granted to an applicant with a disability to enable him/her to pay for special needs arising from his/her disability.

8. Special Care Allowance shall not be paid to persons residing in a Licensed Community Care Facility, residential institution or nursing home.


9. To avoid paying twice for the same item, the worker shall ensure that the special care allowance does not cover expenses already allowed under another section of the Regulations or approved policy, e.g. room and board, transportation personal/comfort, etc.

10. The allowance paid is up to $40 per month. The worker shall be required to document a rationale for the specific amount allowed in each case.

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