Sunday, July 4, 2010


3-1 Eligibility - General

1. Eligibility for social assistance benefits shall be determined:

a) At the time of application

b) When there is a change of circumstances

c) At the time of a review

d) At the time of an annual review

2. An application, by the person requesting assistance, shall be made on the appropriate form, supported by expense bills or receipts, medical reports, verification of income and whatever other information may be required to assist in the determination of eligibility.

3. Employees acting on behalf of the Department are required to make an inquiry into the living conditions, financial resources and other circumstances of the applicant, spouse and dependents, and to keep such information on file with the application.

4. Generally speaking, social assistance benefits are intended for those persons who do not have the following resources:

- Sufficient income to meet basic need requirements (as defined by Regulation or Policy)

- Family Resources

- Short-term Credit

- Sufficient Assets

- Sufficient Employment or training opportunity

5. As a condition of maintaining eligibility for benefits, persons receiving assistance shall be required:

a) To accept employment where reasonable opportunities arise, or to undergo training or treatment or both necessary to improve or restore his/her capacity to support him/herself and his/her dependents;

b) In the case of a minor on whose behalf assistance is paid, to attend school or accept employment leading towards self-support, unless, in the opinion of the Department, there is a valid reason for not doing so;

c) In cases of divorce, separation or desertion, to initiate any action or other proceeding, and initiate enforcement of any court order or agreement concerning any obligations of another person to support or maintain the persons on whose behalf benefits are payable. The Department may waive this provision where compliance with this requirement would adversely affect the applicant or prove futile or unreasonable;

d) To report to the Department any changes in circumstances which may make necessary an adjustment of the amount of assistance being paid; and

e) To use the assistance for basic needs and in the best interest of him/herself and his/her spouse and dependents.

If these requirements are not met, the assistance may be reduced, suspended, canceled or paid to a trustee at the discretion of the Department.

6. Interview with Applicant:

a) The eligibility of an applicant for assistance is determined by examining the factors which may have, directly and/or indirectly, caused his/her need, and the level of need itself. The level of need can be assessed by conducting a needs test with the applicant, whereby he/she provides an account of his/her financial situation. The cause of need can only be determined by the worker and the applicant, following a mutual decision to do so, examining the various circumstances that led up to his/her decision to seek assistance.

b) This part of the helping process requires a degree of sensitivity on the part of the worker, as well as good interviewing, interpretive, and assessment skills. While the granting of assistance is an important part of the service, it is equally important to explore the causes of being in need. A constructive interview around the cause of need will allow the applicant to begin to develop insight into his/her situation and what he/she can begin to do to solve it.

7. Preventive and Rehabilitative Measures:

In determination of eligibility and calculation of assistance, or otherwise exercising his/her delegated authority, the worker shall take whatever measures are available to him/her to ensure that:

a) Alternatives to financial assistance, such as work or job incentives, are provided to applicants in order to assist the applicant to gain economic self-sufficiency;

b) All applicants avail themselves of all opportunities to gain their economic self-sufficiency; and

c) Appropriate resources or services are provided to applicants who require assistance, so that growth toward self-sufficiency can be achieved.

8. Applicants for assistance must avail themselves of all other sources of income for which they may qualify (i.e., EI Benefits, CPP Benefits, Workers Compensation, etc.) in order to qualify and/or maintain eligibility for social assistance.

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