Sunday, July 4, 2010

Personal/Clothing Allowance for Residents of Anderson House

6-5-1 Personal/Clothing Allowance for Residents of Anderson House


1. To provide, in emergencies, an allowance for personal needs and minimum clothing

needs for the women and children residing in Anderson House.


2. The women and their children seeking the safety of Anderson House have usually left a crisis situation and often have no financial resources.

Although Anderson House provides for the basics in shelter and food, the women often need their own funds for such items as personal care for themselves and their children, social and school related expenses for their children, and some minor clothing needs.


3. A personal and clothing allowance may be granted to the residents of Anderson House who are without financial resources. The rate to be granted shall be in accordance with the personal and clothing portion of the Food, Clothing, Household and Personal (FCHP) Allowance for the particular family size and ages of the children. (Refer to Pre-Added Budget). This amount would be granted on a pro-rated basis.


4. For administrative simplicity, the staff of Anderson House will take an application for Social Assistance with the women once they are settled into the house. Anderson House will forward the completed application to the Intake Supervisor at the office for the area of the person's primary residence.

5. Anderson House staff will act as Agent and the monies will be issued to the Agent, in that they, as Agents, will advance the client's money from their petty cash fund which we will reimburse.

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